A father’s love is frequently overlooked while talking about a mother’s love and affection. Everywhere, including in television shows and movies, there is frequent discussion of a mother’s love. But what we neglect to recognize is a father’s power, which frequently goes unrecognized. Not many people are blessed with fathers in their lives. Furthermore, it would be incorrect to imply that every parent serves as their children’s ideal hero, as this is untrue. But when it comes to being a perfect person, I can confidently testify for my father.

My father is very disciplined in all facets of life and has a business. He is the one who taught me to maintain discipline regardless of the type of work I undertake. Most significantly, even after 11 years of marriage, he still makes my mother giggle with his goofy jokes. When he is with his loved ones, I cherish this funny side of him to the fullest. While he makes every effort to grant our requests, he can also be very stern when necessary as I never liked the vegetable pumpkin  as my mother always makes me eat that but my father whenever this vegetable is made my father tries to plans to visit outside and eat because he knows I don’t like this particular vegetable. One day he himself said I don’t want to eat pumpkin as he knew I will not eat. These small gestures make me feel so special and proud and lucky.  He never directly say that my son doesn’t like it don’t make it as he never wants to hurt my mother as well. In these small ways he keeps all people of my family happy I love him for these great affection towards the family.

In conclusion, I think my father possesses all the qualities necessary to be referred to as a real-life superhero. I’m always amazed at how he balances his personal and business life. I saw my father became harder as a result of the difficult circumstances. I definitely want to emulate my father. I think my life would be in order if I could just inherit 10% of what he is.

Name- Lakshya Sharma   Class – IV    Age- 9 years