さて、創立77周年を迎える県南地区有数の伝統校である本校は、建学の精神の「白梅の花実両全(しらうめのかじつりょうぜん)」を「不易(ふえき)」として、創立から大切に受け継いできました。今も生徒たちに生き方在り方を示し続ける奥深い言葉です。 その意味は、白梅が冬の寒さに耐えて春一番に花を咲かせ、立派な実をつけることから、花も実もともに完全であり素晴らしいということです。どんなに辛いことがあっても、それを乗り越え自分を生かしながら、「社会の役に立つ人」になってもらいたいとの願いが込められています。



Tsukuba International University High School is one of the leading traditional schools in the southern part of the prefecture, celebrating the 77th anniversary of its founding. At our school, we firmly believe in “founding spirit” of our school ; 「白梅の花実両全」“Shiraume no Kajitsu Ryozen” as 「不易」“Fueki” (continuity). Principal Mr. Yoshiaki Yokoshima said.

He continue said: Our school has prospered under the guidance of this philosophy since the school foundation. These profound words continue to show students how to live and what to be! It teaches our students to be like the white plum「白梅」“Shiraume”, which withstands the agony of fierce winter breeze and snow, but on the onset of spring, it is first to bloom. I want the students to overcome the difficulties in their lives, even if they may be challenging and the students should also become a useful resource to society.

We have entered into the fourth five of 「令和」“Reiwa”, which means “people are beautifully united” and each of them is like a plum that blooms splendidly after the severe winter cold. The essence of “Reiwa” harmonizes with the founding spirit of our school. I wish for my students to become people who contribute to the society and make themselves shine splendidly.

At the fifth year of Reiwa, our school made a full-scale transition to the “Advance School”, where each student can make further progress toward the future. The school has been reborn with an emphasis on career education with the aim of realizing students’ dreams. For example; the introduction of a 2-course, 5-area system (2nd and 3rd grades), compulsory subjects “Career Design” classes (all grades), 25-minute classes of Implementation of “Basic (English, Japanese and Mathematics)” (each grade), internships (1st grades), development of classes according to proficiency level of “Mathematics I” (1st grade), implementation of “Freshers’ Camp” (accommodation training for freshmen) (1st grade), international school exchanges with high schools in Taiwan (2nd grade), promotion of admission to Tsukuba International University and Tsukuba International Junior College, allocation of native teachers, and other initiatives like placements.

This is the third year since these initiatives began. And, students are dramatically increasing their awareness of career paths and improving their academic skills. I realize students, teachers, faculty staff, and the school as a whole are steadily advancing.

This year, new guidelines for teaching starts, and the age of adulthood is lowered in Japan. In our high school, home economic course stopped accepting applications and we changed to a regular course only school. We changed to a two-semester system. Now the third year of “Advance School” starts, we are facing some changes and adopting to them.

Our school will strive to create an “Advance School” by focusing on the growth of students while preserving the traditions that have been guiding us so far. We will strive to uphold its name as a high school that responds to the new era, meets the expectations of the community, and works to create a school that is trusted and loved by the community. Principal Yoshiaki Yokoshima said. 



  • Reporter: Akari Ito (Japan)
  • Editor: Yilin Wen(China)/ Akari Ito (Japan)
  • Proofreader: Runan Liu (China) / Ruihan Xiang (Singapore)
  • Editor Leader: Yuba (Nepal)
  • Director: Michael (Canada)